
1. Chartering
The Governor of California chartered the California Utilities Emergency Association in 1952 as part of the State’s Civil Defense Plan. The Association was created by a Joint Powers Agreement to represent California utilities on emergency related issues. In March of 1998, CUEA received federal tax exempt status as a 501(c)4 corporation. In January of 1999, CUEA received State Tax Exempt status.
2. A Diverse Membership
CUEA began with four members and has grown to include nearly 100 members. Members of CUEA represent the following utility sectors: water, wastewater, electric gas, telecommunications (including wireless) and pipeline. From the Pacific Ocean to the Nevada border and from Mexico to Oregon, CUEA Members service the entire state.
3. Partnership with the State
Being co-located at Cal OES headquarters in Mather, California allows CUEA immediate access to regional, State and Federal information. CUEA, via the Executive Director, actively participates in Senior Leadership and Executive level planning sessions and working groups. The Executive Director serves as the Cal OES Utilities Branch Liaison at the State Operations Center or one the Regional Operations Centers, representing the CUEA Member utilities
Listed are some of the committees, advisory boards, and teams that CUEA currently plays a role in
  • Core Member of the State of California Energy Commission Fuel Set-aside Task Force State of California Cyber Security Leadership Stakeholder Serving as Task Force Subcommittee Co-Chair
  • State of California Standard Emergency Management System Advisory Board (SEMS)
  • State of California Alert and Warning Statuary Member
  • State of California Southern California Catastrophic Earthquake Response Plan Stakeholder
  • State of California Emergency Function #12 Leadership Role
  • Governor’s Emergency Partnership Panel Statuary Member
  • Cascadia Earthquake CATPlan – Senior Leadership Steering Committee
  • State of California Senior Leadership Member of Catastrophic Flood Plan
  • Governor’s Drought Leadership Task Force
  • California Earthquake Early Warning System Standards Committee